never post for a long time..
I'll update for the sake of wenxuan, amira, leon and the others.. xD
wenxuan: your moomoo need tissue??
amira: i remove the rotting bodies le..xD
leon: okayokay.. i post le.. still habb pics okay??
This few days go home early
cos do project..
ooh.. lets start with
what did i do??
oh ya.. there's the speech thing right??
i think so
and then on
tues, we had ss
then i went to .. i really forgot..
wed hab oral.. i fail!!
then edric , mel and eugene came to my hse
we do proj then play play
then my ah ma cook for them too
edric play with my brothers
eugene play with my bear bear
then mel and i do project
stay until 9 then go back
thursTODAYhad lessons
then had court session...
with ms mok
whole class against her decision except for some
like that PEIZHEN!!!
so nonsense!!
wanna go against us!!
i angry with her
but we won the case!!
so aft ss we go decide on who the mascot
then we go buy tee
before we go,
we play shadows..
then go in e stall
try to bargain with uncle
go buy bubble tea
go buy sushi
mel go mhaii hse
then suddenly edric wan come
so i say ok
in the end eugene and edric come
after that, i go piano
then go home lorhs
RLNSHIP not yet stable
lifes still great
I'll post photos abt my birdday and others de