Hilary Says: Welcome to my blog, view it, enjoy it, tag it, come back again.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday~ What did i do on a saturday like that? I'm not sure i think i went for tuition with liz then aft that we went to eat then royce and her talk about horny stuff hahs aft that, we went home.. I so darn miss her.. I realised we knew each other for 5 YEARS! sO long!
Sunday~ Actually wanna go to church, but then mel was late T.T so we decided on where to go i was in heels and mel with hre heavy stuff, so we went to ntuc to buy stuffs instead than co0k lagsana wo0s thn we go play badminton
Mon~ Actually go work de but kena sacked liao so we decided to co0k again so we call that eug to come too so we made lagsana again hahas then aft awhile, aud came and we made co0kies YAY! then we play badminton again my head kena hit by the pathetic cock
Today~ Go play badminton go home play badminton again until 9 plus hahs tmr i plan to go to EAST COAST!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
This post is dedicated to all the 2e4 2007 peeps from boonlay sec. Dear all, i so miss you guys.. Even as i am posting this now, i'm still crying.. LAWL! Syuhadah! you go do that video!! make me cry Okay, okay, lets continue.. Do you still remember how we get the model class award last year and this year, we worked so hard. Still remember the times when we were critisized by others and still pushed on? How about the times when we kena scolded by the teachers and the horny times we had together. To some, do you still remember how we played soccer? And rmb in sec 1 when we broke the window and we were labelled as NOT UNITED? Its so obvious that we are.. After today's splitting, many of us cried and did not bear to leave each other. Last year, we were all shy as we did not knew each other. But now, after nearly too years, we were too united until we cant even seperate! Darn it! Still remember the times when we gossip and teachers scold us? Such great memories! Cant be erased. At least we cherish the times, be it fun or sad, together. Now, we are seperated to different classes, lets hope that the 2/4 spirit would influent others and make them as high as us. Although we may be seperated, the 2/4's spirit WILL keep us together, I WILL NOT FORGET THIS CLASS! i will rmb all of you guys for the REST OF MY LIFE! okay, i've stop crying.. Ming hwee- Quiet, but is always there to lend a hearing ear for us(: Evelyn- I've known her since pri sch! Wad can i say? She's Still as LOVELY! Haryani- I LOVE HER!! She is super sweet and lively. Insyirah- Loves to sing lots lots! Nice singing! Juliana- GENIOUS! same class as me nx year woos! Peiwen-So animated and cheerful! Cailing- My darling steadyy!! LOVES HER LOTS Tharani- Always a star! Very cheerful and lovely MEL MEL- nth to say- Wenxuan- My darling mummy! Still see her during the hols.. AND IN CO! Amira- My dearest daughter.. Loves her to her core! gonna still see her grow.. xD Atiqah- Sweet and lovely Diyana- Slim and slender! So chio! Amirah- oh well, horny... still gonna be in e same class as her Shaheerah- Just rembember her as the person who hugged me the tightest! Chin ee- Talented choir singer Xuefang- My darhling ah meiis.. Jies loves ue loads Liping- Talented choir singer too(: Yeeleng- Loves her loadds! Screamer! Sakinah- Bowling pro! Audrey- Technical pro! I TAKE YOUR LAO WANG AWAY! MUAHHAHAHAHAHA.. AH GONG! Anle- I knew her since pri sch too.. CUTE! Syuhadah- I LOVE HER LOADS! MY DARLING PAPA, HILADAH! i'll never forget the times when we sat next together and the presents for our both birthday, the times in the sci lab... etc ... etc... Pauline- sensitive to JR! my darling steady.. hahas! love her loads loads Junlong- BOWLING PRO! Eugene- QUIET PRO! Irwin- knew him since p2.Talented in acting! Jay- haha!! u noe where i hit(: Pohchong- lol.. comp freak khang yeong- the crazy one.. WILL NEVER FORGET UE!! kenneth- english pro Luqman- The funny one.. Comical nia! Raihan- The so slim person and the one who copied my geog test T.T Norman- GOOD runner and GOOD boy(: Cheehan- SWEET AND LOVELY xD Shafie- I dunno whether he still hates me or not, but i think that he has a great character Teck yi- my last year partner!! yihao- sO Irritating de Peizhen- okok bahhs Sorry if i missed out anyones'):
Post to vent my anger Today, after i heard what happen to my gorh, i was infuriated.. he is so bad!!! lol he like doesnt care about his friends and he chooses them wht the heck! today i heard he go dye his hair, and leave my gorh waiting how can he? i feel that he wants ppl to be lonely how can he!! its like, he is so bad. when that guy ps my friend, i was so close and treated him as my best friend then when my best friend is close to me, he gossips LOL.. Nth to say le la.. JUST SO ANGRY WITH THAT PERSON
Friday The day i cried and hug many ppl the most I was like so sad today cos its our last day in 2e4 its like, we are all split up.. Then we were hugging everybody.. after that we went to hall then aft school, we went to arena then play pool then go bowl.. then we sent wx home that eug horhs.. so funny piggyback me frm the busstop near the arena to the bus stop at wx home!! LOL.. aft that, took 99 to SHELL then buy ice cream aft that, go home le now, aft yihao sent me the video that Syu made, i cry like siao sian
Wednesday Okays.. where did i go on wed? I think i went to jp eat pizza hut then go toys r us yaya.. then after that went to my block there to play badminton and soccer.. LOL after that we laugh like siao cos audrey so ke lian lawl~~ then we went home
Thursday We did unicycle at school HAHA!! i love it so much... but leg pain heehee haha Went to the park.. and saw lots of stuff.. like GIANT spider then lots of scary stuff. then we climbed the thing thing!! arh!! i did climb it!! great achievement!!! haha then we went to chinese garden at there slack after that go back to play then go home haha!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I'm too TIRED to post today(:
Thursday, October 18, 2007
OH GAWD!! Today go to the seminar thing and i in blue group worhs lol lalala~ the blue dolphin.. =.=''' LAME!! okoks then we had a long long talk then we went for lunch after that we go to sentosa then got one pervert.. keep on lo0king at girls eww!! then syu and i diao-ed him lols! aft that, we eat agn (: then go plan the proposal thing haha! i just finished rushing!! lol its like i'm so sian doin and rushing and rushing!! haha do the proposal and script for our skit tmr.. voice-less hahha and tired lol
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
As my mama said, our blogs are not safe anymore, i got what she mean(: i 100% agree with her some people are intruding into our privacy, erhh okays, not really but they are caring about waht we do.. its like, i wanna play, u control me its VERY LAME and please do not accuse us you can't control my life! anyway, if i do not reach your expectations, just tell me DO NOT PICK ON ME do you know that this is also a way of bullying? I THINK ITS SOOOO wrong WE WANT TO BLOG! where else can we leave our feelings? this is MY BLOG! if you really hate seeing this, then just leave! please get your facts right before scolding too. i really hate it when U SCOLD ME without getting your facts right u BIG BULLY! cryys!! MAKE MY BEAR HATE YOU ONLY
ANYWAY~ its a MIRACLE! i got the colors award.. 0.o am i colorful? our class won the model class award too haha $500!! lol
FORGET IT!! HAHA let's talk about AFTER school when it is so much better(: we planned to go to kbox to sing, bbut decided to wait ferhh pauline.. haha! so we went to arena to po0l!!(I DO NOT NEED ANY LAME COMMENT FROM YOU) haha i played in teams and had singles with kenneth muahahaha after that, we went off we sent WX and YL home by walking... until SS house!! we were crazy alr!! to0k a bus from there and went home
NOW~ I just completed the survey.. wo0s I WONDER HOW MY LIFE WILL BE next year gonna miss yoo guys! x3 2e4 07 excluding the ass
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
MONDAY~ Paisehh lurhs. My mama like nort happy ): She got music stuff, so nv call her.. Sorry horhs laobu!(: Okays, i went out today (: Actually, i wanted to go to sentosa but then, its like pauline and wx can't go so i nv go then instead, we wanted to go skate.. ITS SO CROWDED!! LMAOS! so we spent $$20 on neos and then about $5 on arcade(: wo0s!! After that, we went to outram, thinking that we can go to plaza singapura (: So we went to e ppl's park there de lady's street.. Walk for awhile le then we go and eat the highly recommended western fo0d we suddenly went crazy and mel was pork chop, i was beef steak, kenneth was chicken chop and eugene was fish and chips (; then, we went to buy the siew maii haha then take 190 alighted at plaza there.. haha then we walked in the HEAVY rain to plaza (: We walked for very long time.. But spent most of e time at spot light haha! we went to the basement aft that to buy some food the dutch ice there very nice!! haha we went up the bus 174 to go home i slept in the bus eventually xD then i went to the lib to help my daddy to borrow some bo0ks then i went home whn i reached home, i fixed the strings of the guitar (; and started playing!! haha then i go to sleep T.T
TUESDAY~ Get our papers back I'm sian diao dun wan to type I've got it from my momma I've got it from my mama(: I'm just angry FOR audrey, not WITH audrey She can voice out her opinions wad.. T.T why must she me penalized JUST BECAUSE she is venting her anger? I really pity her We were asked not to gossip but the people who asked us not to gossip are even worse off then us!! is it because they care? NO!! i think that they TOO CARING ! Can they just respect us by not spreading about us to everyone? I really think that they should not only listen to ONE SIDE and scold immediately its SO UNFAIR they may read this, but let me tell you, don't ANYHOW ASSUME WHAT WE WRITE! Its really unfair I know, u may NOT LIKE ME!! or even hate me and want to SCOLD ME EVERYDAY and pick on me but please, clarify the things PROPERLY before scolding and SHOUTING at people I did not do poorly because of my p0or behavior as you may suggest, but i've lost intrest toward english BECAUSE OF YOU (: Anyway, Let's just see what happens to me after this post!!(: will i be called out after lesson and face a lecture cos i wrote these? maybe!! we'll see about that! Hahas! After school, went walking with me for awhile then i played in the rain with weiheng then went home(: I busy learning the chords of the guitar now(: that's all for today!! BUH-BYE!
I've got a job at Senoko(:
Monday, October 15, 2007
Saturday~ Happy birthday mei mei(: its my ah mei birthday on that day... ~Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to xuefang!~ lol~ I woke up, then sleep then woke up and sleep blah blah till tuition sian kena arrowed by tchr T.T at least go sushi frm guanlin(; LOVE HER LORHS BUT SHE FORCE ME EAT carrot! after that, i went to jp with weiheng(: go walk walk walk then aft that, i go meet my papa mama eat at subway then i saw my MAMA !! MAMALICIOUS! mama meet mama worhs lol then go walk walk then go home and sleep in hall T.T Yesterday~ Morning wake up, then go to church(: then aft that, met up with weiheng go vivo actually deciding on whether to go plaza singapura or vivo in the end, decided to go viv0 worhs so we go there first thing i saw was candy empire so rann there buy things wo0s then we were like walking up and down still not decidin where to go first so once i saw toys r us, i ran like siao char borh then saw a my melody stuff at the machine there so tried to get it, but in the end i got a biscuit thing? then we play like little kids in toys r us after that he keep on suan-ing me cos i short ): so since i short, i can p0ke him(: so he suan me one time, he die again one time haha! then we went lo0king around i forgot the sequence le o0ps! then i think we went to the anime stall then go round and round haha saw piggy but dunno wanna buy or not so we decided to save money (: after that, we spent LOTS of time at the pet shop! hahas! it was like, the animals were SOOOO cute! heehee After that, go to arcade then saw po0l table.. i wanna play): but i sian diao, so nv play (: then we went to see clothes lol than saw a bra with jewels at forever21 hehe we go walk walk somemore, then he peii worh go to my ah ma hse so we sit at a bus stop waiting and waiting for a bus but i keep on forgetting the bus no HAHA! after that, went up e bus then laugh laugh until indian auntie diao us then i lo0k away and weiheng diao back =.=''' wo0s after that, we to0k 851, then i alight at my ah ma hse there and he go tiong bahru (: whn i go my ah ma hse, the door locked, i knocked so many times oso cannot ): so i call my mama then she say she's on e way when i go in,my ah gong inside worhs he can't hear? nvms then i go watch tv then lie down and sleep when i wake up, there's so many fo0d !! eat eat eat the talky talky then go home! wanna slp in cab, but brother too noisy heh so i went home i saw mel's sms asking whtr wanna go kbox or skate, then i suddenly rmb, i no $$ ): so go ask papa for money he give 10 ): FORGET IT~ then i ask my mama she dun care me so i go bathe le ju lie down on sofa watch tv and sms until 1 am then i force myself to sleep after thinking and thinking(:
why must it be this way
when i sms u , ur replies are like so T.T
nvms. U better dun be jealous whn i go out with other guys
cos u are e one wh0's not free
anyway, unhappy or anything, SMS
lo0k at this, ADLAR
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thurs EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER! YAY! BUT IT WAS TOUGH! and i'm like sian diao.. cos i dunno wad my marks will be! Than its like we wanna celebrate, so aft exams chiong home! then change le ju meet up go ARENA but then we were like dumb asses waiting and waiting.. we were like so damn sian until i spent my money on e arcade then we give up and went to JE.. Play play at je then go arcade where my money all gone I was like super pissed! haha! then aft that, my tchr change my piano time to7.45, so mel and i alighted at near JVSS then we sang song and play until we really got lost. Lucky my fren stay near there then it was like weiheng brought us back T.T i was really like so pahh jiiao then go home after eating, i go piano lessons then aft piano, i go jog aft that, i found out that the pool auntie was SUPER LATE! and they played! F***!! darn! Friday Today is another day man! Hahs! Today woke up at around 8 plus then go to bathe then actually wanna go out with my mama to vivo but Ben insisted he tag along then we actually wanna go take bus, then take half way ben said he was feeling unwell T.T i was like, WTH! then we went to giant there at IMM then go walk then walk ard IMM eat eat play play whatever! then go back home ... I was like (WHAT THE HECK!) and after seeing my mamalicious' sms, i was like (DARN! I SHOULD HV follow them..) Anyway, i know they good ppl, will sure follow me whn i wan go again! Anyway, Pauline still owe me one vivo trip with her!! ^^ oh well, today dun go oso nvm (: mama, steady and mama friend is gd de xD Zzz... ltr gotta co0k dinner for my family!! ltr i burn e kitchen down! hahas! I'll go co0k now, so TOODLES!
Tagbox replies:
Cailing-Okays! you're so SWEET! I will not waste my anger on him
Not worth it niia
Amira-I love you lorts, my nu er(:
Pauline-how to link you worhs? nv ghibb me anything xD
Wilson-Orh.. okays xD
Terence-Hope you have go0d exams marks(:
SAIKANG #56-of course! (:
Fengsoon-of course it is!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
tralalala~ I won't have to see that ASS again!! Returned his darned stuff to him, then go eat lorhs. than it was like wx they all say they at thr bushuang.. its like, do i even care? oh well, let's dun care those lame idiots.. waste my typing space only.. haha!
Firstly, I gave you a chance and i to0k it back cos u accused me to too many things Secondly, You are insulting me cos i to0k e chance away! Thirdly, I've sacrificed too much man! Cos of u i turned bad!! actually my friend said that accepting u was a bad choice, but, i still accepted you Fourthly, I think you have really taken advantage of the chance and start to scold me cos of my LAME act to accept you. Fifthly, Please improve on your english, and don't MISINTERPRET what i just said. Finally, I think you have no EQ and please, dun use big numbers and SCARY diao-ing eyes to scare me.. In conclusion, I gave you a chance and you scolded me in return.
OKAY, I admit that WE BOTH lied to each other.. and PUH-LEASE! stop boasting! BY THE WAY, I'm childish and i like it.. Don't be lame!
LOLS~ My thesis to end this Whole love story that came to a disasterous end(:
Remember to play after the storm(:
Monday, October 08, 2007
Oh well.. It's like everyone is studying now and what am doin? using the computer!! haha anyways, i promised ah mel not to study lit alr!! so just use comp lorhs HAHA!!
Say NO TO SADNESS! haha!! today go meet someone than go eat then go eat ICE CREAM!! its like, We're all crazy about after exams until we forgot to study!! HAHA
ok la, nth much to say le.. so BYE!!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Oh well.. I'm blogging again.. hahas.. changed everything!! I spent 1/2 a day doing this man!! Kinda f up on studying!! Just cant take it mans!! Okays I'm like so bored now.. holding my bear and walking around for the whole 1 hour.. then go chat with ppl.. Its like i'm so BORED! Okays, lets start from the morning, Exams.. blah blah then aft that i was like so emo, then go meet darling then go home and computer till now!! Wo0s, Just pissed of this few days.. mo0d swings i suppose.. xD Toodles!
List out 5 birthday presents that you wishes for: New piano, an EVEN larger bear, more scores(: , More money, moremoremore stuffs(:
Answer the following questions: 1. The person who tag you is:Leon 2. Your relationship with him/her:Friends. 3. Your 5 impressions with him/her:Weird, Sweet, Lovely, Crazy, Smart :) 4. The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you:I dunno 5. The most memorable words that he/she had said to you:Forgotten xD 6. If he/she will become your lover, will you: it'll never happen! 7. If he/she become your lover, things he/she will have to improve on will be:Nothing(: 8. If he/she become your enemy, will you:make curry out of him 9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason being will be:Never ever? 10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is:Smile? 11. Your overall impression of him/her is:Superb!! 12. How do you think people around you feel about you:How i noe? 13. The character you love of yourself is:CRAZY lurhs! 14. On the contrary, the character you hate of yourself is:Can't save money de 15. The most ideal person you want to be:Perfect lorhs 16. Pass this quiz to 10 people: 1-WX mama 2-Mel darling 3-Syuhadah papa 4-Pauline steady 5-Audrey ah gong 6-Fengsoon (: 7-Yixiu 8-Andrea 9-Eugene 1o-Xuefang mei mei 17. Who is 6 having relationship with? Not sure.. I think he's single worhs 18. Is no.9 a male or a female?Male 19. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?No? 20. How about no.8 and 5?Lesbians? 21. What is no.2 studying about? Me (: jkjk 22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?Morning? 23. What kind of music band does no.8 likes?Wo bu zi dao 25. Will you woo no.3?My papa? 26. Is no.4 single?I think? 27. What's the surname of no.5? Sia? 28. What's the hobby of no.4? Pool-ing? 29. Do no.5 and no.9 get along well? DEFINITELY! 30. Where is no.2 studying at? b00nlay? 31. Talk something casually about no.1? Mama-licious 32. Have you try developing feelings for no.8? LOL? I LOVE HER 34. What colours does no.4 likes?I think its blue bahhs 35. Are no.5 and 1 best friends? Maybe 36. Does no.7 likes no.2?They dunno each other? 37. How do you get to know no.2?Fate lorhs 38. Does no.1 have any pets?Yes, her cow 39. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?Of course!
There she goes, there she goes again.
Hello Earthlings, my name is S.Hilary Ma :D
I invaded your planet on the twenty first of july :D
I love my creator, his son, and the holy spirit :D
I've graduated from Boon Lay Secondary School :D
I am Dynamic, Delirious, Delicious, Dangerous, Daring, Different :D
I love attacking humans with my music, the piano :D
Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength Nehe 8:10
The O levels are finally over, now what? Many complained that they are bored, but i compiled a list of random things to do so that i would be occupied. I decided to share it with you guys!
1.Reorganize my wardrobe
2.Clear the soft toys and reorganize sleeping area
3.Clear clutter from the study table and remove unwanted books
4.Reorganize my shelves
5.Do some gardening
6.Get flight tickets to anywhere 7.Run everyday
8.Swim once a week
9.Look for ways to get extra cash 10.Go ice skating
11.Go inline skating
12.Learn beginner's guitar
13.Finish learning Grade 8 scales
14.Finish playing the first Grade 8 song
15.Piano Duet with someone
16.Write a book
17.Write a poem
18.Bake cookies and cakes
19.Cook Teriyaki Chicken for Nova
20.Visit an orphanage
21.Learn how to cook from grandmother
22.Take part in a church event 23.Memorize sequence of the bible
24.Read SYM
25.Watch a movie 26.Call Sec sch mates out
27.Call Pri sch mates out
28.Call YM mates out
29.Shout really loud in a mall 30.Play Pool
31.Arcade! 32.Start on CW 33.Share the good news with at least 5 people
34.Praise and worship more often
35.Learn more praise and worship
36.Eat healthily
37.Laugh really loud somewhere
38.Enjoy nature
39.Smile at a toddler 40.Smile at an elderly person
Bosom buddies
Dead links will be removed :D Link me if you see me link you!
Saturday~ What did i do on a saturday like that? I'm not sure i think i went for tuition with liz then aft that we went to eat then royce and her talk about horny stuff hahs aft that, we went home.. I so darn miss her.. I realised we knew each other for 5 YEARS! sO long!
Sunday~ Actually wanna go to church, but then mel was late T.T so we decided on where to go i was in heels and mel with hre heavy stuff, so we went to ntuc to buy stuffs instead than co0k lagsana wo0s thn we go play badminton
Mon~ Actually go work de but kena sacked liao so we decided to co0k again so we call that eug to come too so we made lagsana again hahas then aft awhile, aud came and we made co0kies YAY! then we play badminton again my head kena hit by the pathetic cock
Today~ Go play badminton go home play badminton again until 9 plus hahs tmr i plan to go to EAST COAST!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
This post is dedicated to all the 2e4 2007 peeps from boonlay sec. Dear all, i so miss you guys.. Even as i am posting this now, i'm still crying.. LAWL! Syuhadah! you go do that video!! make me cry Okay, okay, lets continue.. Do you still remember how we get the model class award last year and this year, we worked so hard. Still remember the times when we were critisized by others and still pushed on? How about the times when we kena scolded by the teachers and the horny times we had together. To some, do you still remember how we played soccer? And rmb in sec 1 when we broke the window and we were labelled as NOT UNITED? Its so obvious that we are.. After today's splitting, many of us cried and did not bear to leave each other. Last year, we were all shy as we did not knew each other. But now, after nearly too years, we were too united until we cant even seperate! Darn it! Still remember the times when we gossip and teachers scold us? Such great memories! Cant be erased. At least we cherish the times, be it fun or sad, together. Now, we are seperated to different classes, lets hope that the 2/4 spirit would influent others and make them as high as us. Although we may be seperated, the 2/4's spirit WILL keep us together, I WILL NOT FORGET THIS CLASS! i will rmb all of you guys for the REST OF MY LIFE! okay, i've stop crying.. Ming hwee- Quiet, but is always there to lend a hearing ear for us(: Evelyn- I've known her since pri sch! Wad can i say? She's Still as LOVELY! Haryani- I LOVE HER!! She is super sweet and lively. Insyirah- Loves to sing lots lots! Nice singing! Juliana- GENIOUS! same class as me nx year woos! Peiwen-So animated and cheerful! Cailing- My darling steadyy!! LOVES HER LOTS Tharani- Always a star! Very cheerful and lovely MEL MEL- nth to say- Wenxuan- My darling mummy! Still see her during the hols.. AND IN CO! Amira- My dearest daughter.. Loves her to her core! gonna still see her grow.. xD Atiqah- Sweet and lovely Diyana- Slim and slender! So chio! Amirah- oh well, horny... still gonna be in e same class as her Shaheerah- Just rembember her as the person who hugged me the tightest! Chin ee- Talented choir singer Xuefang- My darhling ah meiis.. Jies loves ue loads Liping- Talented choir singer too(: Yeeleng- Loves her loadds! Screamer! Sakinah- Bowling pro! Audrey- Technical pro! I TAKE YOUR LAO WANG AWAY! MUAHHAHAHAHAHA.. AH GONG! Anle- I knew her since pri sch too.. CUTE! Syuhadah- I LOVE HER LOADS! MY DARLING PAPA, HILADAH! i'll never forget the times when we sat next together and the presents for our both birthday, the times in the sci lab... etc ... etc... Pauline- sensitive to JR! my darling steady.. hahas! love her loads loads Junlong- BOWLING PRO! Eugene- QUIET PRO! Irwin- knew him since p2.Talented in acting! Jay- haha!! u noe where i hit(: Pohchong- lol.. comp freak khang yeong- the crazy one.. WILL NEVER FORGET UE!! kenneth- english pro Luqman- The funny one.. Comical nia! Raihan- The so slim person and the one who copied my geog test T.T Norman- GOOD runner and GOOD boy(: Cheehan- SWEET AND LOVELY xD Shafie- I dunno whether he still hates me or not, but i think that he has a great character Teck yi- my last year partner!! yihao- sO Irritating de Peizhen- okok bahhs Sorry if i missed out anyones'):
Post to vent my anger Today, after i heard what happen to my gorh, i was infuriated.. he is so bad!!! lol he like doesnt care about his friends and he chooses them wht the heck! today i heard he go dye his hair, and leave my gorh waiting how can he? i feel that he wants ppl to be lonely how can he!! its like, he is so bad. when that guy ps my friend, i was so close and treated him as my best friend then when my best friend is close to me, he gossips LOL.. Nth to say le la.. JUST SO ANGRY WITH THAT PERSON
Friday The day i cried and hug many ppl the most I was like so sad today cos its our last day in 2e4 its like, we are all split up.. Then we were hugging everybody.. after that we went to hall then aft school, we went to arena then play pool then go bowl.. then we sent wx home that eug horhs.. so funny piggyback me frm the busstop near the arena to the bus stop at wx home!! LOL.. aft that, took 99 to SHELL then buy ice cream aft that, go home le now, aft yihao sent me the video that Syu made, i cry like siao sian
Wednesday Okays.. where did i go on wed? I think i went to jp eat pizza hut then go toys r us yaya.. then after that went to my block there to play badminton and soccer.. LOL after that we laugh like siao cos audrey so ke lian lawl~~ then we went home
Thursday We did unicycle at school HAHA!! i love it so much... but leg pain heehee haha Went to the park.. and saw lots of stuff.. like GIANT spider then lots of scary stuff. then we climbed the thing thing!! arh!! i did climb it!! great achievement!!! haha then we went to chinese garden at there slack after that go back to play then go home haha!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I'm too TIRED to post today(:
Thursday, October 18, 2007
OH GAWD!! Today go to the seminar thing and i in blue group worhs lol lalala~ the blue dolphin.. =.=''' LAME!! okoks then we had a long long talk then we went for lunch after that we go to sentosa then got one pervert.. keep on lo0king at girls eww!! then syu and i diao-ed him lols! aft that, we eat agn (: then go plan the proposal thing haha! i just finished rushing!! lol its like i'm so sian doin and rushing and rushing!! haha do the proposal and script for our skit tmr.. voice-less hahha and tired lol
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
As my mama said, our blogs are not safe anymore, i got what she mean(: i 100% agree with her some people are intruding into our privacy, erhh okays, not really but they are caring about waht we do.. its like, i wanna play, u control me its VERY LAME and please do not accuse us you can't control my life! anyway, if i do not reach your expectations, just tell me DO NOT PICK ON ME do you know that this is also a way of bullying? I THINK ITS SOOOO wrong WE WANT TO BLOG! where else can we leave our feelings? this is MY BLOG! if you really hate seeing this, then just leave! please get your facts right before scolding too. i really hate it when U SCOLD ME without getting your facts right u BIG BULLY! cryys!! MAKE MY BEAR HATE YOU ONLY
ANYWAY~ its a MIRACLE! i got the colors award.. 0.o am i colorful? our class won the model class award too haha $500!! lol
FORGET IT!! HAHA let's talk about AFTER school when it is so much better(: we planned to go to kbox to sing, bbut decided to wait ferhh pauline.. haha! so we went to arena to po0l!!(I DO NOT NEED ANY LAME COMMENT FROM YOU) haha i played in teams and had singles with kenneth muahahaha after that, we went off we sent WX and YL home by walking... until SS house!! we were crazy alr!! to0k a bus from there and went home
NOW~ I just completed the survey.. wo0s I WONDER HOW MY LIFE WILL BE next year gonna miss yoo guys! x3 2e4 07 excluding the ass
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
MONDAY~ Paisehh lurhs. My mama like nort happy ): She got music stuff, so nv call her.. Sorry horhs laobu!(: Okays, i went out today (: Actually, i wanted to go to sentosa but then, its like pauline and wx can't go so i nv go then instead, we wanted to go skate.. ITS SO CROWDED!! LMAOS! so we spent $$20 on neos and then about $5 on arcade(: wo0s!! After that, we went to outram, thinking that we can go to plaza singapura (: So we went to e ppl's park there de lady's street.. Walk for awhile le then we go and eat the highly recommended western fo0d we suddenly went crazy and mel was pork chop, i was beef steak, kenneth was chicken chop and eugene was fish and chips (; then, we went to buy the siew maii haha then take 190 alighted at plaza there.. haha then we walked in the HEAVY rain to plaza (: We walked for very long time.. But spent most of e time at spot light haha! we went to the basement aft that to buy some food the dutch ice there very nice!! haha we went up the bus 174 to go home i slept in the bus eventually xD then i went to the lib to help my daddy to borrow some bo0ks then i went home whn i reached home, i fixed the strings of the guitar (; and started playing!! haha then i go to sleep T.T
TUESDAY~ Get our papers back I'm sian diao dun wan to type I've got it from my momma I've got it from my mama(: I'm just angry FOR audrey, not WITH audrey She can voice out her opinions wad.. T.T why must she me penalized JUST BECAUSE she is venting her anger? I really pity her We were asked not to gossip but the people who asked us not to gossip are even worse off then us!! is it because they care? NO!! i think that they TOO CARING ! Can they just respect us by not spreading about us to everyone? I really think that they should not only listen to ONE SIDE and scold immediately its SO UNFAIR they may read this, but let me tell you, don't ANYHOW ASSUME WHAT WE WRITE! Its really unfair I know, u may NOT LIKE ME!! or even hate me and want to SCOLD ME EVERYDAY and pick on me but please, clarify the things PROPERLY before scolding and SHOUTING at people I did not do poorly because of my p0or behavior as you may suggest, but i've lost intrest toward english BECAUSE OF YOU (: Anyway, Let's just see what happens to me after this post!!(: will i be called out after lesson and face a lecture cos i wrote these? maybe!! we'll see about that! Hahas! After school, went walking with me for awhile then i played in the rain with weiheng then went home(: I busy learning the chords of the guitar now(: that's all for today!! BUH-BYE!
I've got a job at Senoko(:
Monday, October 15, 2007
Saturday~ Happy birthday mei mei(: its my ah mei birthday on that day... ~Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to xuefang!~ lol~ I woke up, then sleep then woke up and sleep blah blah till tuition sian kena arrowed by tchr T.T at least go sushi frm guanlin(; LOVE HER LORHS BUT SHE FORCE ME EAT carrot! after that, i went to jp with weiheng(: go walk walk walk then aft that, i go meet my papa mama eat at subway then i saw my MAMA !! MAMALICIOUS! mama meet mama worhs lol then go walk walk then go home and sleep in hall T.T Yesterday~ Morning wake up, then go to church(: then aft that, met up with weiheng go vivo actually deciding on whether to go plaza singapura or vivo in the end, decided to go viv0 worhs so we go there first thing i saw was candy empire so rann there buy things wo0s then we were like walking up and down still not decidin where to go first so once i saw toys r us, i ran like siao char borh then saw a my melody stuff at the machine there so tried to get it, but in the end i got a biscuit thing? then we play like little kids in toys r us after that he keep on suan-ing me cos i short ): so since i short, i can p0ke him(: so he suan me one time, he die again one time haha! then we went lo0king around i forgot the sequence le o0ps! then i think we went to the anime stall then go round and round haha saw piggy but dunno wanna buy or not so we decided to save money (: after that, we spent LOTS of time at the pet shop! hahas! it was like, the animals were SOOOO cute! heehee After that, go to arcade then saw po0l table.. i wanna play): but i sian diao, so nv play (: then we went to see clothes lol than saw a bra with jewels at forever21 hehe we go walk walk somemore, then he peii worh go to my ah ma hse so we sit at a bus stop waiting and waiting for a bus but i keep on forgetting the bus no HAHA! after that, went up e bus then laugh laugh until indian auntie diao us then i lo0k away and weiheng diao back =.=''' wo0s after that, we to0k 851, then i alight at my ah ma hse there and he go tiong bahru (: whn i go my ah ma hse, the door locked, i knocked so many times oso cannot ): so i call my mama then she say she's on e way when i go in,my ah gong inside worhs he can't hear? nvms then i go watch tv then lie down and sleep when i wake up, there's so many fo0d !! eat eat eat the talky talky then go home! wanna slp in cab, but brother too noisy heh so i went home i saw mel's sms asking whtr wanna go kbox or skate, then i suddenly rmb, i no $$ ): so go ask papa for money he give 10 ): FORGET IT~ then i ask my mama she dun care me so i go bathe le ju lie down on sofa watch tv and sms until 1 am then i force myself to sleep after thinking and thinking(:
why must it be this way
when i sms u , ur replies are like so T.T
nvms. U better dun be jealous whn i go out with other guys
cos u are e one wh0's not free
anyway, unhappy or anything, SMS
lo0k at this, ADLAR
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thurs EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER! YAY! BUT IT WAS TOUGH! and i'm like sian diao.. cos i dunno wad my marks will be! Than its like we wanna celebrate, so aft exams chiong home! then change le ju meet up go ARENA but then we were like dumb asses waiting and waiting.. we were like so damn sian until i spent my money on e arcade then we give up and went to JE.. Play play at je then go arcade where my money all gone I was like super pissed! haha! then aft that, my tchr change my piano time to7.45, so mel and i alighted at near JVSS then we sang song and play until we really got lost. Lucky my fren stay near there then it was like weiheng brought us back T.T i was really like so pahh jiiao then go home after eating, i go piano lessons then aft piano, i go jog aft that, i found out that the pool auntie was SUPER LATE! and they played! F***!! darn! Friday Today is another day man! Hahs! Today woke up at around 8 plus then go to bathe then actually wanna go out with my mama to vivo but Ben insisted he tag along then we actually wanna go take bus, then take half way ben said he was feeling unwell T.T i was like, WTH! then we went to giant there at IMM then go walk then walk ard IMM eat eat play play whatever! then go back home ... I was like (WHAT THE HECK!) and after seeing my mamalicious' sms, i was like (DARN! I SHOULD HV follow them..) Anyway, i know they good ppl, will sure follow me whn i wan go again! Anyway, Pauline still owe me one vivo trip with her!! ^^ oh well, today dun go oso nvm (: mama, steady and mama friend is gd de xD Zzz... ltr gotta co0k dinner for my family!! ltr i burn e kitchen down! hahas! I'll go co0k now, so TOODLES!
Tagbox replies:
Cailing-Okays! you're so SWEET! I will not waste my anger on him
Not worth it niia
Amira-I love you lorts, my nu er(:
Pauline-how to link you worhs? nv ghibb me anything xD
Wilson-Orh.. okays xD
Terence-Hope you have go0d exams marks(:
SAIKANG #56-of course! (:
Fengsoon-of course it is!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
tralalala~ I won't have to see that ASS again!! Returned his darned stuff to him, then go eat lorhs. than it was like wx they all say they at thr bushuang.. its like, do i even care? oh well, let's dun care those lame idiots.. waste my typing space only.. haha!
Firstly, I gave you a chance and i to0k it back cos u accused me to too many things Secondly, You are insulting me cos i to0k e chance away! Thirdly, I've sacrificed too much man! Cos of u i turned bad!! actually my friend said that accepting u was a bad choice, but, i still accepted you Fourthly, I think you have really taken advantage of the chance and start to scold me cos of my LAME act to accept you. Fifthly, Please improve on your english, and don't MISINTERPRET what i just said. Finally, I think you have no EQ and please, dun use big numbers and SCARY diao-ing eyes to scare me.. In conclusion, I gave you a chance and you scolded me in return.
OKAY, I admit that WE BOTH lied to each other.. and PUH-LEASE! stop boasting! BY THE WAY, I'm childish and i like it.. Don't be lame!
LOLS~ My thesis to end this Whole love story that came to a disasterous end(:
Remember to play after the storm(:
Monday, October 08, 2007
Oh well.. It's like everyone is studying now and what am doin? using the computer!! haha anyways, i promised ah mel not to study lit alr!! so just use comp lorhs HAHA!!
Say NO TO SADNESS! haha!! today go meet someone than go eat then go eat ICE CREAM!! its like, We're all crazy about after exams until we forgot to study!! HAHA
ok la, nth much to say le.. so BYE!!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Oh well.. I'm blogging again.. hahas.. changed everything!! I spent 1/2 a day doing this man!! Kinda f up on studying!! Just cant take it mans!! Okays I'm like so bored now.. holding my bear and walking around for the whole 1 hour.. then go chat with ppl.. Its like i'm so BORED! Okays, lets start from the morning, Exams.. blah blah then aft that i was like so emo, then go meet darling then go home and computer till now!! Wo0s, Just pissed of this few days.. mo0d swings i suppose.. xD Toodles!
List out 5 birthday presents that you wishes for: New piano, an EVEN larger bear, more scores(: , More money, moremoremore stuffs(:
Answer the following questions: 1. The person who tag you is:Leon 2. Your relationship with him/her:Friends. 3. Your 5 impressions with him/her:Weird, Sweet, Lovely, Crazy, Smart :) 4. The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you:I dunno 5. The most memorable words that he/she had said to you:Forgotten xD 6. If he/she will become your lover, will you: it'll never happen! 7. If he/she become your lover, things he/she will have to improve on will be:Nothing(: 8. If he/she become your enemy, will you:make curry out of him 9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason being will be:Never ever? 10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is:Smile? 11. Your overall impression of him/her is:Superb!! 12. How do you think people around you feel about you:How i noe? 13. The character you love of yourself is:CRAZY lurhs! 14. On the contrary, the character you hate of yourself is:Can't save money de 15. The most ideal person you want to be:Perfect lorhs 16. Pass this quiz to 10 people: 1-WX mama 2-Mel darling 3-Syuhadah papa 4-Pauline steady 5-Audrey ah gong 6-Fengsoon (: 7-Yixiu 8-Andrea 9-Eugene 1o-Xuefang mei mei 17. Who is 6 having relationship with? Not sure.. I think he's single worhs 18. Is no.9 a male or a female?Male 19. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?No? 20. How about no.8 and 5?Lesbians? 21. What is no.2 studying about? Me (: jkjk 22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?Morning? 23. What kind of music band does no.8 likes?Wo bu zi dao 25. Will you woo no.3?My papa? 26. Is no.4 single?I think? 27. What's the surname of no.5? Sia? 28. What's the hobby of no.4? Pool-ing? 29. Do no.5 and no.9 get along well? DEFINITELY! 30. Where is no.2 studying at? b00nlay? 31. Talk something casually about no.1? Mama-licious 32. Have you try developing feelings for no.8? LOL? I LOVE HER 34. What colours does no.4 likes?I think its blue bahhs 35. Are no.5 and 1 best friends? Maybe 36. Does no.7 likes no.2?They dunno each other? 37. How do you get to know no.2?Fate lorhs 38. Does no.1 have any pets?Yes, her cow 39. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?Of course!