I won't have to see that ASS again!!
Returned his darned stuff to him, then go eat lorhs.
than it was like wx they all say they at thr bushuang.. its like, do i even care?
oh well, let's dun care those lame idiots..
waste my typing space only.. haha!
I gave you a chance and i to0k it back cos u accused me to too many things
You are insulting me cos i to0k e chance away!
I've sacrificed too much man! Cos of u i turned bad!! actually my friend said that accepting u was a bad choice, but, i still accepted you
I think you have really taken advantage of the chance and start to scold me cos of my LAME act to accept you.
Please improve on your english, and don't MISINTERPRET what i just said.
I think you have no EQ and please, dun use big numbers and SCARY diao-ing eyes to scare me..
In conclusion,
I gave you a chance and you scolded me in return.
OKAY, I admit that WE BOTH lied to each other..
and PUH-LEASE! stop boasting!
BY THE WAY, I'm childish and i like it.. Don't be lame!
LET ME EMPHASIZE-IF YOU STOP BULLSHITTING, I'LL STOP THAT NEGATIVE ATTITUDE!LOLS~ My thesis to end this Whole love story that came to a disasterous end(: Remember to play after the storm(: