Hilary is NOT HAPPY today because of some friendship problems which she does not want to elaborate on.
Phewphewphew. Had freaking boring lessons in the morning and was hit by paper aeroplanes because of nevin goh D: Smacked him hard. haha. he deserved it anyway (Hope it doesnt hurt :X) Was preetay moody for the whole day and things were worst after school. Went home and then prepared to meet dear in raffles at his work place. Trained there and passed things to him and we slacked for a pathetic 10 mins only. Was prettay pissed but he managed to pull a smile on my face. Dearest, you never fail to do that when u want me to be happy :D Met up with my erzi, khairi, was being random and then we went to walk walk. Shopped and ate then we trained home. Went to jp with parents after dinner to shop, everyone bought something except for me :D . Currently preparing for tmr's wedding in church and dinner. Daddy, mummy, bro and i have face mask party now. Tata for now (:
Tmr will be a better day. God bless.