Oh my Goodness lurh. Its already sunday.
Ok, i'll blog(:
On Saturday, had tuition as usual :D
However, before that, i went out to slack slack slack slack slack.
I accompanied my dear for lunch and had a great time, although he is sick.
Went for tuition with Liza aft that.
Tuition was great, as usual, it all end in laughter again.
We actually planned to have dinner tgt, however, many had something on last minute,
so went to jalan jalan with wh.
Went home and slack slack slack.
Like, is there anything we can do rather than slack? Its like wasting my darn time luhh!
Sunday, actually planned to go jogging
There were super last minute changes so i cancelled many of my activities and went over to Agape. I was super early today, together with my parents. WOW!!
Anyway, we had morning prayer and stuffs then we had th service and cell aft that. Really fun during cell luhh. hurh hurh. Then we went for the ministry get together thing and i helped ardella and friends up. Its marvellous! Heheh. Ardella and i then decided to go for a movie. Its like so random and we did it. We watched painted skin. Before that, we went shopping at jp. heh heh. I'm saving up so i did not spend too much. Only $20. YAY!!! Anw, i'm gonna miss ardella): that sweet girl. heh heh. hang out soon babe! Agape people are nice too :D I'll try to go over soon! (:
Omg. I'm so loving it! "I am the real vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me and i in them will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me" John 15:5