Hey Charmaine Babe~
Rawr, i was supposed to go out with Charmaine, Kenneth and Yizhan today. Due to some unforseen circumstances, i was forced to go home and do what i had to do. Which resulted in me being some bad person and left Charmaine and Kenneth.
Anyway, i woke up at around 10 plus today and actually looked forward to get ready to go out. I bathed, did face, and hair and prepared to go out. I went to Yizhan's house to help him look for clothing and had some light food (its nice la). I had to ps them after some matter. Yizhan and i decided that we both should not go(: (: After eating, i removed my make up * sobbing (its a good thing i removed it, if not i would look like some emo kid when i start to sweat. zzz) After Yizhan was ready, he used his bicycle and ride me back home. It was damn hot but fun. Thank god the makeup was gone ;D . Went home to do what i must and i am now slacking at home. I am very hungry! zxzxzx! Okay nevermind, i think i will make cheesecakes now. hoho!!!!!!
Bye ya