Hilary Says: Welcome to my blog, view it, enjoy it, tag it, come back again.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Yohoho. its the exam periods now. this blog will be DEAD! :D Meanwhile, some pictures for you to see. Some are ancient, some recent :D
Good luck for your examinations; You do your best, God'll do the rest. Y
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Importance of 2
2 is very important to me. For now, i could say :D If only If only If only. If only the chinese orchestra can acheive 2 more marks we'll get Gold. If only my fringe can grow 2cm longer. If only my hair can grow 2cm longer. If only I can get 2 marks to get satisfactory marks for history. If only i had 2 more hours to settle my homework. If only i have 2 more days to rest. If only i had 2 weeks more to study for my exams. If only i jumped 2 more cm i would've get all As for my physical fitness test. If only i could grow 2cm taller. Haha. The ifs..
I think i had recovered from that breakdown for the moment. I really have to thank everyone for being there to support me. Especially Jesus. Let me share how he helped me when i was at my lowest. heh heh
Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. 26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalm 73:25-26
As usual, i was feeling down and dreading when i came across this in the morning. What an encouragement. He knew that all these worries and troubles is making life miserable for me. This is just a season that will not last forever. Its winter for me now i suppose but he told me spring was around the corner. All these worries blinded me as i did not know he was there all the time watching over me. God remains the strength of my heart. I realised that I could lift all these worries to him and he'll keep me warm. (Literally speaking, i'm really warm. The weather's killing me) Indeed, he was alive and well and made me so carefree and not afraid of any obstacles that came towards me, like my dreaded physics test. I faced it all with absolute courage. All thanks to him. He even made me feel not so helpless in my studies by giving me friends that are willing to teach me. He even sent me friends that help me accomplish my tons of tasks. Coincidental? I do not think so.
Okay, that's what i'm going to share today. I have to complete my indefinable amount of homework and things to do. I sent my newly bought phone for repair and would only get it back on friday. I shall not worry and just let God pave the path for me to walk.
Thank God for bringing me through this haze.Y
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Had a breakdown at home yesterday, the aftermath was total fatigue and a terrible headache that i can't even face the next day(weak, i know). It was a great thing that kept everything until i reached home. It was simply too much for me to handle. Okay, lets say that my SYF is finally over. I broke down not only because the chinese orchestra got a silver. After the SYF, i have to study for the Mid year examinations. I have no confidence in passing all the subjects. Not even english. I feel like just screaming. On top of that, my sprained finger decreases my efficiency doing my homework. I have to take double the time to do my homework. My homework consists of mostly essays and essays. I have a lack of time to complete all these and my handphone is giving me tons of problems. I am losing my contacts again and again and AGAIN. There's problems with the phone itself. I really think that i took the faulty phone because there's problems when i get the phone. Piano exams are approaching way too soon already, i can't practice. I really can't. I just feel useless and moodless to continue studying. I'm experiencing many emotions now.
I feel much better now :D
Anyway, the chinese orchestra got a silver. I think it is a total failure. We're screwed up. After four years of practicing and sacrifice, we got this results. After skipping many lessons that were actually even more important, we got this results. After putting in tremendous efforts , we got this results. I feel that it was just one mistake that screwed the whole thing up. I really do not know what is the mistake but i feel indifferent about it. We're a team, so anyone's mistake in the orchestra is our mistake. However, what's done is done already. Let it be.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Gaffaws! Its a sunday!! The best day of the week and the worst day.
Well, in my opinion, Sunday is the best day of the week because i can go to church and then free myself from the stress that has accumulated for the whole week. I feel that it is the worst day because after today, all the stress that was relieved would build up again the next day. When you look back, you realised one week has passed and you have one week less to prepare for your o levels, not to mention mid year examinations. Well, i looked forward to today one week ago :D
I'm simply euphoric! Nothing can ever explain my delirium. Its just a feeling inside me that wants to burst out. Okay, lets stop describing my exhuberance. The reason why i looked forward to today is because i can shop! *Cheers! I really needed this break before i start to study hard core for the examinations. I've really got to devote my time to studies from today onwards.
'I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phil 4:11-13'
Materialism. What is your heart's greatest desire? God or something else? Don't look to money or stuff for contentment because they never really satisfy. They only leave you craving for more. We were wired to experience the contentment that only comes from him. Riches and things of this world are not evil. We can enjoy them and love him at the same time. However, do not allow them to compete with God because they're no different from the idols that people worshipped as said in the bible. I do not shop all the time (Once in a few months to be precise :D), therefore, shopping is not my greatest desire, but just to get what i need.
I'll be having chinese orchestra practice at the singapore conference hall later. Oh man. There goes my shopping time. Anyway, we're having our SYF tomorrow! Ain't this exciting! Well, whatever the case, no matter what you achieve, if its the best from you, you've won already. Due to carelessness, i sprained my finger and have difficulty writing, playing instruments and doing daily stuff. The pain is excrutiating. Never the less, i hope it heals soon :D
The weather is killing me. I'm baking in this oven, lets just hope that we won't get burnt by the blistering heat later. I wonder when is this sweltering heat will turn to cool air (wishful thinking). Bye people! Till here today.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit'em, but remember, it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."Sounds familiar? Well it should be. I'm doing to kill a mocking bird now. Oh man. I'm pertubed with the fact that I'm so tired. I still have to do chinese and english and physics. How am i going to study for my mid year examinations? Do i even have time to practice for my SYF? What about my piano examinations? My goodness. My worries are undefinable. Someone, please tell me that you are enduring the same fate as i. I'm tired and i know this is inevitable. Can i be an insomniac? Imagine multi tasking, like sleeping and studying at the same time? "Thats a very great impossible idea" quoted from vitrun in one of my messages. I agree with you. Imagine how tired i would be after that. Worsening the situation. Uggh. These worries are making me develop eccentric behaviours, making my boisterous character dissapear. Anyway, lets just look forward to something to make me motivated. "Genting trip we talked about?" quoted from Derrick. Motivated? I hope so :D :D
LESSON LEARNT: Just go and sleep if you are tired. Take a break from the mundane activities like studying. "you should take a break" quoted from derrick. Continue other stuff later, or chiong later "Go for it, like sports day sprint" quoted from fancy in one of my messages. Its like a race we must endure.
Thats what i'm going to to. Sleep :D My fears of not reaching my goals will be assuaged. With a good night's sleep of course. (Don't mind the quotations i added in. Trying to practice history. *PEE. The quotations are the evidence, i suppose)
Today's another tiring day for me. It has been studies studies studies.
Well, point to note for today. Remember who you really are. Have confidence in myself if anyone could. Philippians 3:4
Nothing really much to say today. Argh. I'm tired.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Pictures of you, Pictures of me.
Life in the council is over. We had our stepping down ceremony. Its great to see our juniors stepping up and taking over us. However, i do miss the times we had when we were councillors. Time flies and before you know it, it is all over. Make use of your time wisely and accept what you have to do willingly. Do not fear to be assertive. Okay, i shall not nag. Just be happy with what you've got.
I had oral examination today. I could say that i was an epic failure and i'd rather go and bang the wall. I read the passage real slow and during the conversation, i could not substitute any chinese words. My thoughts were in english and i did not know how to express myself. Oh well. What's past should past. Lets just learn from it and leave it yea.
Oh well, i have nothing much to say for today. Oh ya, we exactly one more week to our SYF. I really hope that we can achieve something better than that silly silver. I'm really tired. Really tired. Phoo.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13
Pause and ponder: Is love a toxic drug?
Well, what is love in the first place?
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 4-6
If this was love, how can it be a drug? Just remember, love is NOT and never will be lust. How can evil turn into something good? Think.
Good Bye People. :D
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Its good to be back home...
Finally after a long session of chinese orchestra, home never felt so nice. Lol. I'm just crapping. Haha. Our SYF is on next monday. We're going to have practices after practices next week. I hope i can keep up. Anyway, if you try your best, God will do the rest right? I'm telling this to everyone. Just do your best. Instead of giving ourselves reasons why we can't, we should give myself reasons why we can. If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time. Therefore, lets all aim for gold and i am sure we can all hit it. Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. I hope that everyone can play their part, no matter how big or small the contibution is, you still contribute. Since you contribute to the orchestra, why not give it your best.
Man! I'm really sleepy now! Its a pity that time is not on my side today. I find that i have many things to do but so little time. Well lets just round this post up with the best part.
Leaving the best for the last... My experience at the indoor stadium yesterday. Reinhard Bonnke from Germany came over to give a evangelical sermon which made many people accept christ yesterday. I think that his sermons is really the ABCs of the gospel. I find it really easyto understand but very powerful. He done many miracles as well, i saw a person who can't walk start to walk and many more. WOW! Believe it or not, its your choice.
Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart. Good bye people!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Its raining.
run baby run! don't ever look back. One obstacle down. Many more to go.
Anyway, yesterday's sports day was satisfactory, i should say. We had normal lessons till 12.40 and then the councillors went to the council room to look for our blazers and then i went home to change for the run. Went to the stadium and got ready for the race. My event was like the first few events to start the whole sports day. Its is none other than the 1500m B girls. The run was just amazing to me. I started out at the back as the last runner and slowly at the last 200m, i pushed myself and gave it all i got to get a 3rd position. Yes, it was really shocking. After that i ran the 4x400m relay as the last runner and our team got the 3rd postion as well. The last race was rather disappointing but i think that if we try our best, we've won already. The 4x100m race was the last race i ran, once again with yeeleng, diana and atiqah. Actually the winnings were not fully the effort of mine. It was because of God. I did my best, and he did the rest. It was also the support of my friends who cheered me on when i was running. Last but not least, i must thank my teammates in the relay.
Finally, i could say that this race is finally over. One obstacle down. However, we're still running another race and many many races. Gosh, i'm tired. It'll all be over soon. Just push on and give it all you got. (like my 1500m :D) Well, the next race which is ending soon is the SYF for the chinese orchestra. I really hope that we can get a gold or even gold with honours for the competition. Since we're in the race, might as well do our best.
Today's GOOD FRIDAY :D Can finally get this long awaited rest and a time to experience the holy spirit!! Well a little history about good friday: Of the numerous Christian holy days on the liturgical calendar, Good Friday is perhaps the most solemn and profound memorial. This is because, in many many many many years ago, there was this man who died on the cross for our sins. He is none other than Jesus, son of god. To many Christians, Good Friday is felt as a day of sorrow. It is a time to grieve over the sin of man and to meditate upon the love that God has so generously bestowed upon humanity in giving His only Son for the redemption of sin.
So why is good friday good? "It's good to set aside a day to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for our sins to be washed away. A time to think of our past, present and future."
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life. John 3:16
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
I am here to clear the dust once again. First things first.
Upcoming Activities.. We'll be having our School's sports day tomorrow at the Jurong west stadium. Do support me me me because i have no gurantee that i will win something back compared to sport's day one last week. I'll be representing JUPITER house for the last time for the 1500m and 4x400 B girls relay.
Following that is GOOD FRIDAY! Well, church church church all the way till Sunday. Well i'm looking forward to the Reinhard Bonkre Conference at the Singapore indoor stadium with Juliana! :D Most importantly, revive my faith!
Stepping down this monday from the council. I really missed the times we had together and the tie tie tie :D :D I miss the recess strolling as well. Oh my, I miss everything!
The SYF for the chinese orchestra is coming along as well. I hope that we can achieve satisfactory results before i step down this year.
Last but not least, We have the mid year examinations 2009!
I'm on a hectic schedule with all the endless remedials and activities, i anticipate a well awaited rest. Yea yea yea!!
Any other business Life is just getting better and better i suppose. With God, let's just say the world does not seem as dark as i expected Well, obstacles does not matter. I have God and he gives me strength. Forgive like how he forgives.
People in the place If you wanna get down Put your hands in the air Hil.a.ry drop the beat now :D
I'll update next time. Just wait. God bless
There she goes, there she goes again.
Hello Earthlings, my name is S.Hilary Ma :D
I invaded your planet on the twenty first of july :D
I love my creator, his son, and the holy spirit :D
I've graduated from Boon Lay Secondary School :D
I am Dynamic, Delirious, Delicious, Dangerous, Daring, Different :D
I love attacking humans with my music, the piano :D
Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength Nehe 8:10
The O levels are finally over, now what? Many complained that they are bored, but i compiled a list of random things to do so that i would be occupied. I decided to share it with you guys!
1.Reorganize my wardrobe
2.Clear the soft toys and reorganize sleeping area
3.Clear clutter from the study table and remove unwanted books
4.Reorganize my shelves
5.Do some gardening
6.Get flight tickets to anywhere 7.Run everyday
8.Swim once a week
9.Look for ways to get extra cash 10.Go ice skating
11.Go inline skating
12.Learn beginner's guitar
13.Finish learning Grade 8 scales
14.Finish playing the first Grade 8 song
15.Piano Duet with someone
16.Write a book
17.Write a poem
18.Bake cookies and cakes
19.Cook Teriyaki Chicken for Nova
20.Visit an orphanage
21.Learn how to cook from grandmother
22.Take part in a church event 23.Memorize sequence of the bible
24.Read SYM
25.Watch a movie 26.Call Sec sch mates out
27.Call Pri sch mates out
28.Call YM mates out
29.Shout really loud in a mall 30.Play Pool
31.Arcade! 32.Start on CW 33.Share the good news with at least 5 people
34.Praise and worship more often
35.Learn more praise and worship
36.Eat healthily
37.Laugh really loud somewhere
38.Enjoy nature
39.Smile at a toddler 40.Smile at an elderly person
Bosom buddies
Dead links will be removed :D Link me if you see me link you!
Yohoho. its the exam periods now. this blog will be DEAD! :D Meanwhile, some pictures for you to see. Some are ancient, some recent :D
Good luck for your examinations; You do your best, God'll do the rest. Y
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Importance of 2
2 is very important to me. For now, i could say :D If only If only If only. If only the chinese orchestra can acheive 2 more marks we'll get Gold. If only my fringe can grow 2cm longer. If only my hair can grow 2cm longer. If only I can get 2 marks to get satisfactory marks for history. If only i had 2 more hours to settle my homework. If only i have 2 more days to rest. If only i had 2 weeks more to study for my exams. If only i jumped 2 more cm i would've get all As for my physical fitness test. If only i could grow 2cm taller. Haha. The ifs..
I think i had recovered from that breakdown for the moment. I really have to thank everyone for being there to support me. Especially Jesus. Let me share how he helped me when i was at my lowest. heh heh
Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. 26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalm 73:25-26
As usual, i was feeling down and dreading when i came across this in the morning. What an encouragement. He knew that all these worries and troubles is making life miserable for me. This is just a season that will not last forever. Its winter for me now i suppose but he told me spring was around the corner. All these worries blinded me as i did not know he was there all the time watching over me. God remains the strength of my heart. I realised that I could lift all these worries to him and he'll keep me warm. (Literally speaking, i'm really warm. The weather's killing me) Indeed, he was alive and well and made me so carefree and not afraid of any obstacles that came towards me, like my dreaded physics test. I faced it all with absolute courage. All thanks to him. He even made me feel not so helpless in my studies by giving me friends that are willing to teach me. He even sent me friends that help me accomplish my tons of tasks. Coincidental? I do not think so.
Okay, that's what i'm going to share today. I have to complete my indefinable amount of homework and things to do. I sent my newly bought phone for repair and would only get it back on friday. I shall not worry and just let God pave the path for me to walk.
Thank God for bringing me through this haze.Y
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Had a breakdown at home yesterday, the aftermath was total fatigue and a terrible headache that i can't even face the next day(weak, i know). It was a great thing that kept everything until i reached home. It was simply too much for me to handle. Okay, lets say that my SYF is finally over. I broke down not only because the chinese orchestra got a silver. After the SYF, i have to study for the Mid year examinations. I have no confidence in passing all the subjects. Not even english. I feel like just screaming. On top of that, my sprained finger decreases my efficiency doing my homework. I have to take double the time to do my homework. My homework consists of mostly essays and essays. I have a lack of time to complete all these and my handphone is giving me tons of problems. I am losing my contacts again and again and AGAIN. There's problems with the phone itself. I really think that i took the faulty phone because there's problems when i get the phone. Piano exams are approaching way too soon already, i can't practice. I really can't. I just feel useless and moodless to continue studying. I'm experiencing many emotions now.
I feel much better now :D
Anyway, the chinese orchestra got a silver. I think it is a total failure. We're screwed up. After four years of practicing and sacrifice, we got this results. After skipping many lessons that were actually even more important, we got this results. After putting in tremendous efforts , we got this results. I feel that it was just one mistake that screwed the whole thing up. I really do not know what is the mistake but i feel indifferent about it. We're a team, so anyone's mistake in the orchestra is our mistake. However, what's done is done already. Let it be.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Gaffaws! Its a sunday!! The best day of the week and the worst day.
Well, in my opinion, Sunday is the best day of the week because i can go to church and then free myself from the stress that has accumulated for the whole week. I feel that it is the worst day because after today, all the stress that was relieved would build up again the next day. When you look back, you realised one week has passed and you have one week less to prepare for your o levels, not to mention mid year examinations. Well, i looked forward to today one week ago :D
I'm simply euphoric! Nothing can ever explain my delirium. Its just a feeling inside me that wants to burst out. Okay, lets stop describing my exhuberance. The reason why i looked forward to today is because i can shop! *Cheers! I really needed this break before i start to study hard core for the examinations. I've really got to devote my time to studies from today onwards.
'I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phil 4:11-13'
Materialism. What is your heart's greatest desire? God or something else? Don't look to money or stuff for contentment because they never really satisfy. They only leave you craving for more. We were wired to experience the contentment that only comes from him. Riches and things of this world are not evil. We can enjoy them and love him at the same time. However, do not allow them to compete with God because they're no different from the idols that people worshipped as said in the bible. I do not shop all the time (Once in a few months to be precise :D), therefore, shopping is not my greatest desire, but just to get what i need.
I'll be having chinese orchestra practice at the singapore conference hall later. Oh man. There goes my shopping time. Anyway, we're having our SYF tomorrow! Ain't this exciting! Well, whatever the case, no matter what you achieve, if its the best from you, you've won already. Due to carelessness, i sprained my finger and have difficulty writing, playing instruments and doing daily stuff. The pain is excrutiating. Never the less, i hope it heals soon :D
The weather is killing me. I'm baking in this oven, lets just hope that we won't get burnt by the blistering heat later. I wonder when is this sweltering heat will turn to cool air (wishful thinking). Bye people! Till here today.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit'em, but remember, it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."Sounds familiar? Well it should be. I'm doing to kill a mocking bird now. Oh man. I'm pertubed with the fact that I'm so tired. I still have to do chinese and english and physics. How am i going to study for my mid year examinations? Do i even have time to practice for my SYF? What about my piano examinations? My goodness. My worries are undefinable. Someone, please tell me that you are enduring the same fate as i. I'm tired and i know this is inevitable. Can i be an insomniac? Imagine multi tasking, like sleeping and studying at the same time? "Thats a very great impossible idea" quoted from vitrun in one of my messages. I agree with you. Imagine how tired i would be after that. Worsening the situation. Uggh. These worries are making me develop eccentric behaviours, making my boisterous character dissapear. Anyway, lets just look forward to something to make me motivated. "Genting trip we talked about?" quoted from Derrick. Motivated? I hope so :D :D
LESSON LEARNT: Just go and sleep if you are tired. Take a break from the mundane activities like studying. "you should take a break" quoted from derrick. Continue other stuff later, or chiong later "Go for it, like sports day sprint" quoted from fancy in one of my messages. Its like a race we must endure.
Thats what i'm going to to. Sleep :D My fears of not reaching my goals will be assuaged. With a good night's sleep of course. (Don't mind the quotations i added in. Trying to practice history. *PEE. The quotations are the evidence, i suppose)
Today's another tiring day for me. It has been studies studies studies.
Well, point to note for today. Remember who you really are. Have confidence in myself if anyone could. Philippians 3:4
Nothing really much to say today. Argh. I'm tired.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Pictures of you, Pictures of me.
Life in the council is over. We had our stepping down ceremony. Its great to see our juniors stepping up and taking over us. However, i do miss the times we had when we were councillors. Time flies and before you know it, it is all over. Make use of your time wisely and accept what you have to do willingly. Do not fear to be assertive. Okay, i shall not nag. Just be happy with what you've got.
I had oral examination today. I could say that i was an epic failure and i'd rather go and bang the wall. I read the passage real slow and during the conversation, i could not substitute any chinese words. My thoughts were in english and i did not know how to express myself. Oh well. What's past should past. Lets just learn from it and leave it yea.
Oh well, i have nothing much to say for today. Oh ya, we exactly one more week to our SYF. I really hope that we can achieve something better than that silly silver. I'm really tired. Really tired. Phoo.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13
Pause and ponder: Is love a toxic drug?
Well, what is love in the first place?
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 4-6
If this was love, how can it be a drug? Just remember, love is NOT and never will be lust. How can evil turn into something good? Think.
Good Bye People. :D
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Its good to be back home...
Finally after a long session of chinese orchestra, home never felt so nice. Lol. I'm just crapping. Haha. Our SYF is on next monday. We're going to have practices after practices next week. I hope i can keep up. Anyway, if you try your best, God will do the rest right? I'm telling this to everyone. Just do your best. Instead of giving ourselves reasons why we can't, we should give myself reasons why we can. If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time. Therefore, lets all aim for gold and i am sure we can all hit it. Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. I hope that everyone can play their part, no matter how big or small the contibution is, you still contribute. Since you contribute to the orchestra, why not give it your best.
Man! I'm really sleepy now! Its a pity that time is not on my side today. I find that i have many things to do but so little time. Well lets just round this post up with the best part.
Leaving the best for the last... My experience at the indoor stadium yesterday. Reinhard Bonnke from Germany came over to give a evangelical sermon which made many people accept christ yesterday. I think that his sermons is really the ABCs of the gospel. I find it really easyto understand but very powerful. He done many miracles as well, i saw a person who can't walk start to walk and many more. WOW! Believe it or not, its your choice.
Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart. Good bye people!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Its raining.
run baby run! don't ever look back. One obstacle down. Many more to go.
Anyway, yesterday's sports day was satisfactory, i should say. We had normal lessons till 12.40 and then the councillors went to the council room to look for our blazers and then i went home to change for the run. Went to the stadium and got ready for the race. My event was like the first few events to start the whole sports day. Its is none other than the 1500m B girls. The run was just amazing to me. I started out at the back as the last runner and slowly at the last 200m, i pushed myself and gave it all i got to get a 3rd position. Yes, it was really shocking. After that i ran the 4x400m relay as the last runner and our team got the 3rd postion as well. The last race was rather disappointing but i think that if we try our best, we've won already. The 4x100m race was the last race i ran, once again with yeeleng, diana and atiqah. Actually the winnings were not fully the effort of mine. It was because of God. I did my best, and he did the rest. It was also the support of my friends who cheered me on when i was running. Last but not least, i must thank my teammates in the relay.
Finally, i could say that this race is finally over. One obstacle down. However, we're still running another race and many many races. Gosh, i'm tired. It'll all be over soon. Just push on and give it all you got. (like my 1500m :D) Well, the next race which is ending soon is the SYF for the chinese orchestra. I really hope that we can get a gold or even gold with honours for the competition. Since we're in the race, might as well do our best.
Today's GOOD FRIDAY :D Can finally get this long awaited rest and a time to experience the holy spirit!! Well a little history about good friday: Of the numerous Christian holy days on the liturgical calendar, Good Friday is perhaps the most solemn and profound memorial. This is because, in many many many many years ago, there was this man who died on the cross for our sins. He is none other than Jesus, son of god. To many Christians, Good Friday is felt as a day of sorrow. It is a time to grieve over the sin of man and to meditate upon the love that God has so generously bestowed upon humanity in giving His only Son for the redemption of sin.
So why is good friday good? "It's good to set aside a day to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for our sins to be washed away. A time to think of our past, present and future."
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life. John 3:16
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
I am here to clear the dust once again. First things first.
Upcoming Activities.. We'll be having our School's sports day tomorrow at the Jurong west stadium. Do support me me me because i have no gurantee that i will win something back compared to sport's day one last week. I'll be representing JUPITER house for the last time for the 1500m and 4x400 B girls relay.
Following that is GOOD FRIDAY! Well, church church church all the way till Sunday. Well i'm looking forward to the Reinhard Bonkre Conference at the Singapore indoor stadium with Juliana! :D Most importantly, revive my faith!
Stepping down this monday from the council. I really missed the times we had together and the tie tie tie :D :D I miss the recess strolling as well. Oh my, I miss everything!
The SYF for the chinese orchestra is coming along as well. I hope that we can achieve satisfactory results before i step down this year.
Last but not least, We have the mid year examinations 2009!
I'm on a hectic schedule with all the endless remedials and activities, i anticipate a well awaited rest. Yea yea yea!!
Any other business Life is just getting better and better i suppose. With God, let's just say the world does not seem as dark as i expected Well, obstacles does not matter. I have God and he gives me strength. Forgive like how he forgives.
People in the place If you wanna get down Put your hands in the air Hil.a.ry drop the beat now :D