Hilary Says: Welcome to my blog, view it, enjoy it, tag it, come back again.
Hilary Says: Welcome to my blog, view it, enjoy it, tag it, come back again.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I'm back early today. Usually i should be with him, enjoying every second with him right now. I'm really very teary right now.I wonder what is seriously wrong once again. Does'nt he even know how i feel? He once said to me, i can feel what you feel. Is this feeling what i feel? Unless my agony is his happiness. I loveeeee him. but he said i am stressing him too much. Why must the problem be me? Why me? Argh!!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I feeling super !@#$%@#!@#$. If it wasnt for mel and my schoolmates, i would have died.If only, if only. Belike for want of rain, which I could well Beteem them from the temptest of my eyes. 5 days without you. i do not want to count it more. nightmare or not, god please help me.